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Firefighter Cancer Initiative

Who We Are

In 2015, we launched the Firefighter Cancer Initiative through Florida state funding. Then and now, our goal is to understand how cancer impacts firefighters. We also want to find novel, evidence-based methods for reducing their risk. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists, healthcare practitioners, and occupational health and safety experts uses community-engaged approaches to ensure we put firefighter voices and experiences first.

We work closely with firefighters to develop and implement our projects, and we're proud to say that our work has led to tangible, positive changes in the fire service.

Together, FCI and its partners are making the fire service safer.

Welcome to The Firefighter Cancer Initiative. We're glad you're here.

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Research Projects

Firefighter in full gear standing in front of a burning structure signaling to their crew.

Research Projects

Our research efforts span across the fire service. Sign up for a study.

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CARES To-Go Mobile Clinic

Mobile clinic, operated by the Firefighter Cancer Initiative, parked in lot and ready to see firefighters with an open bay door.

CARES To-Go Mobile Clinic

Our initiative to bring occupational health assessments and screenings directly to you via our mobile clinics.

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FCI instructor giving a presentation to audience of firefighters.


Reduce your occupational cancer risk. Learn about our reduction and prevention strategies.

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FCI Apps and Tools

Hand with a phone in it scrolling on the FCI Toolkit App

FCI Apps and Tools

Download our healthcare and occupational exposure apps. These tools are worth your time and free to use.

Personal Exposure Reporter FCI Toolkit App

Research-Backed Methods to Reducing Firefighter Cancer Risk

Firefighters face increased cancer risk due to the very nature of the profession. From soot and smoke to the very gear that protects them from fires. That’s why in the 10 years since FCI launched, we’ve made it our mission to tailor our research in meaningful ways.

Take decontamination practices for example. Research shows that field decontamination using dish soap, water, and scrubbing was able to reduce PAH contamination on turnout jackets by a median of 85%. Through our green bucket intervention, which includes dish soap, scrub brushes, and wipes for firefighters to wash off their gear before leaving a scene, we were able to supply more than 4,000 fire trucks with decon buckets across the State of Florida.

That’s the value of research-backed firefighter cancer reduction strategies.

To learn more about our completed projects, check out our published research papers or our past research projects.

To learn more about our research efforts, view our projects and published research papers.

Get Educated. Get Support.

International Fire Service Cancer Symposium

Attendees at the 2023 International Firefighter Cancer Symposium

The International Fire Service Cancer Symposium is an annual conference that gathers scientists, firefighters, cancer survivors, advocates, and policy makers to discuss the latest in firefighter cancer, risk, and prevention strategies. Each year, we meet to review our progress and map out a plan forward to reduce firefighter cancer.

Join us at the next symposium on February 20-21, 2025 in Miami, FL.


We’re here to provide the firefighter community with support.
Contact us at with any questions.