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Digital Ultrasound


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OBGYN Ultrasound specializes in both gynecologic (non-pregnant) and obstetrical (pregnant) ultrasound.

Our team members include:

  • Sonographers
  • Board-certified Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists
  • Gynecologic ultrasound specialists

They are dedicated to providing the highest quality care with an emphasis on communication and compassion for our patients. Our sonographers are certified by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), and our unit is American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine accredited for the performance of the these studies.


Using state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment, our highly-trained team provides the following prenatal services:

Nuchal translucency and evaluation of first trimester anatomy
A scan at 11-13 weeks helps identify pregnancies at higher risk of a genetic syndrome (such as Down syndrome), heart defects, and other genetic and structural differences/abnormalities. The nuchal translucency measurement assesses the amount of fluid behind the neck of the fetus, which may be thicker in pregnancies complicated by genetic or anatomic differences. Recent advances in ultrasound technology have allowed even earlier assessment of fetal anatomy. We can now evaluate for congenital disabilities at this early gestational age allowing for a broader range of counseling and choice.

Routine/basic anatomy ultrasound with cervical length
The basic anatomy scan is performed routinely at 18-20 weeks’ gestation and is a thorough evaluation of every aspect of the fetal anatomy from the brain to the toes. The scan also includes imaging of the placenta and uterus, especially in women with previous cesarean deliveries and other uterine surgeries. Our scan also consists of the routine assessment of cervical length transvaginally, an important indicator of risk of preterm birth.

Detailed ultrasound
A targeted ultrasound is a higher level ultrasound evaluation for fetal genetic or structural abnormalities. It may be performed as a second opinion of a high-risk pregnancy with a known fetal abnormality/difference. The detailed ultrasound includes all aspects of the basic scan, plus additional imaging as indicated. Our Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists counsel patients.

Risk factors for birth defects include:

  • maternal age
  • medication use
  • previous history
  • maternal weight
  • certain medical conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy

Fetal echocardiography
This high-level ultrasound is a focused evaluation of the fetal heart anatomy and function. We perform fetal echoes for a variety of indications, including:

  • Fetal Indications: suspected heart structure or rate abnormality (arrhythmia), Major fetal extracardiac anomaly, thickened nuchal translucency, monochorionic (identical) twins, or inability to properly assess the heart on the anatomy scan
  • Maternal Indications: diabetes before pregnancy or diagnosed during the first or early second trimester, IVF, Autoimmune disease with SS-A antibodies, close family history of heart defects, and certain medication exposure (e.g., retinoids, paroxetine, carbamazepine, lithium, ace inhibitors)

Fetal well-being evaluation (Biophysical profile and fetal non-stress testing)

  • Evaluates the fetal status through a combination of fetal movement, tone, breathing, amniotic fluid volume, and variations in the fetal heart rate

Doppler studies

  • Evaluate the blood flow in the fetal circulation, including the umbilical cord, venous system, and brain. Doppler studies are typically performed to assess the wellbeing of fetuses followed for growth restriction and/or anemia

Amniocentesis and CVS (invasive procedures) are offered
For the fetal diagnosis of genetic or hereditary disorders. This evaluation may be triggered by family history or by an abnormal ultrasound or screening test. In addition, some patients desire definitive diagnostic genetic instead of screening tests. Both CVS and amniocentesis are ultrasound-guided procedures performed by board-certified physicians. Traditionally a risk of pregnancy loss is quoted with the procedures, about 1/400 to 1/1000.

  • CVS is typically performed at 12-13 weeks and is essentially a small biopsy of the placenta
  • Amniocentesis is performed after 15 weeks and involves removal of a small amount of amniotic fluid which contains fetal cells

Multifetal pregnancy reduction
In the case of triplets and higher-order multiple gestations, the family may choose to reduce the number of embryos in order to improved pregnancy outcomes for the remaining. Typically this ultrasound-guided procedure is performed at 13-14 weeks and usually in conjunction with CVS in order to guarantee the best results.

Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS)
This is a procedure in which a blood sample is withdrawn from the umbilical cord while the fetus is still in the uterus. It is used for chromosome analysis or to evaluate and fetuses at risk for certain blood disorders such as severe anemia

Other fetal procedures

  • Include amnioinfusion, bladder tapping, thoracentesis, and fetal reduction are available by our specialists


Screening for and evaluation of suspected gynecologic diseases are carried out using both abdominal and transvaginal sonography.

Services include:

  • Routine pelvic ultrasounds for evaluation of the uterus, ovaries, endometrium, and adnexa
  • Ultrasound-guided aspiration of ovarian cysts, pelvic abscesses, and post-operative collections
  • Sonohysterography for evaluation of intracavitary uterine pathologies (polyps, myomas) and uterine anomalies. This ultrasound-guided procedure involves the placement of a small amount of fluid into the uterine cavity, allowing better imaging of the inside of the uterus.
  • 3-D ultrasound for the evaluation of uterine anatomy, which is especially important for patients with repeated miscarriages and infertility. 3-D ultrasound is also beneficial in assessing IUD placement, an essential part of evaluating bleeding and pain in these patients.
  • Noninvasive management of cervical and cesarean scar pregnancies by ultrasound-guided injections or by intrauterine balloon placements

Why Choose UHealth?

Care designed with women in mind. Our obstetrics and gynecology experts provide research-backed care that is tailored specifically for each woman. We help make care more convenient — offering advanced in-office procedures, the latest diagnostic tests for fast results, and access to comprehensive women’s health services for women of all ages — all in one location. Our highly-trained physicians and staff are sensitive to the needs of every woman, so you can feel comfortable and confident in your care and treatment.

Make an Appointment

For the medical campus (PAC), 305-243-4365.

For Kendall Medical Center, 305-270-3437.

For UHealth Jackson Doral, 305-689-2950

For Miami Lakes, 305-243-4530

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