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Bernal-Mizrachi Lab

Dr. Bernal-Mizrachi Lab for Beta Cell Signaling

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Investigator / Contact Person Ernesto Bernal-Mizrachi, M.D.

Research Focus

Welcome to Dr. Bernal-Mizrachi’s Beta Signaling Lab, where we delve into cutting-edge research in three pivotal areas shaping the future of diabetes treatment and pancreatic biology. Our primary focus lies in Pancreatic β-cell Biology, aiming to unravel the intricate signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms governing the regulation of β-cell mass. With a central hypothesis centered on the PI3K/Akt pathway, our objective is to dissect the downstream events influencing β-cell proliferation and mass, potentially identifying novel pharmacologic targets for treating type 2 diabetes and enhancing β-cell survival for transplantation. Utilizing transgenic mice and in vitro experiments, we meticulously explore the role of key cell cycle components and nutrient signaling pathways.

In the realm of Pancreas Development, our goal is to unravel the signaling pathways dictating the differentiation program of the pancreas. By activating self-renewal and proliferation of progenitor cells, we aspire to expand the pool of pancreatic and endocrine progenitors, ultimately identifying therapeutic targets to boost β-cell generation both in vivo and in vitro. This research could pave the way for innovative therapeutic approaches and increase the success of transplantation models.

In our Islet Transplantation endeavors, we strive to enhance the success and availability of islets for transplantation. Our main objective is to decipher the mechanisms regulating transplanted β-cell mass, generating resilient β-cells resistant to injury post-transplantation. Leveraging tetracycline-inducible transgenic animals with regulatable Akt activity, we assess different temporal patterns of Akt induction to refine transplantation strategies and explore gene-specific roles in β-cell mass regulation. Our studies aim to develop therapeutic strategies that safeguard transplants and minimize the tissue required for transplantation. Join us in the pursuit of groundbreaking advancements in diabetes research, where science meets innovation for a healthier tomorrow.

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