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Keratoconus: Basics and New Advances, An Interactive Course and Wet Lab

Saturday, March 23, 2019
Program is subject to change

7:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
7:50 Welcome and Overview
Mohamed F. Abou-Shousha, MD, MS, FRCS, PhD
  Session I: Diagnosing Keratoconus
Moderators: Anat Galor, MD, MSPH and Allister G. Gibbons, MD
8:00 Etiology: Genetics, Inflammation, Allergy and Eye Rubbing
Anat Galor, MD, MSPH

8:10 Modern Day Corneal Topography, Tomography, and Eliminating the Risk of Ectasia: Part 1
Stephen D. Klyce, PhD, FARVO
8:20 Modern Day Corneal Topography, Tomography, and Eliminating the Risk of Ectasia: Part 2
Stephen D. Klyce, PhD, FARVO
8:30 Corneal Microlayer Tomography for the Diagnosis of Keratoconus
Mohamed F. Abou-Shousha, MD, MS, FRCS, PhD
8:40 Aberrometry and Hysteresis in Keratoconus
Luis Fernandez-Vega, MD

8:50 Risk Factors for Post-LASIK Ectasia
Steven C. Schallhorn, MD

9:00 Case Presentations and Panel Discussion
Panel: Mohamed F. Abou-Shousha, MD, MS, FRCS, PhD; Anat Galor, MD, MSPH; Allister G. Gibbons, MD; Stephen D. Klyce, PhD, FARVO; Steven C. Schallhorn, MD; and Sonia H. Yoo, MD

9:30 Refreshment Break
  Session II: Treatment Part 1
Moderators: Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS and Mohamed F. Abou-Shousha, MD, MS, FRCS, PhD
10:00 Contact Lenses Choices for Keratoconus Patients
Edward Boshnick, OD, FAAO, FSLS

10:15 Ocular Surface Disease and Keratoconus
Marguerite B. McDonald, MD, FACS

10:30 Cataract and Keratoconus?
Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS

10:45 Glaucoma and Keratoconus?
Richard K. Lee, MD, PhD

11:00 Phakic Lenses in Keratoconus
Steven C. Schallhorn, MD

11:15 What's New in Scleral Lenses?
Chandra Mickles, OD, MSc, FAAO, FSLS

11:30 Case Presentations and Panel Discussion
Panel: Edward Boshnick, OD, FAAO, FSLS; Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS; Richard K. Lee, MD, PhD; Chandra Mickels, OD, MSc, FAAO, FSLS; and Marguerite B. McDonald, MD, FACS

12:00 pm Lunch
  Session III: TREATMENT Part 2
Moderators: Sonia H. Yoo, MD and Mohamed F. Abou-Shousha, MD, MS, FRCS, PhD
12:45 Penetrating and Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty
Mohammad F. Anwar, MD

1:00 Corneal Rings for Vision Rehabilitation
Luis Fernandez-Vega, MD

1:15 Crosslinking, Indications and Contraindication
Rajesh K. Rajpal, MD

1:30 Crosslinking Plus: Combined with Intra-Corneal Rings or with Small Incision Lenticule (SMILE)
Osama Ibrahim, MD

1:45 Current Advances in Crosslinking - Customized and Epi-On Approaches
Rajesh K. Rajpal, MD

2:00 Case Presentations and Panel Discussion
Panel: Mohammad F. Anwar, MD; Luis Fernandez-Vega, MD; Osama Ibrahim, MD; and Rajesh K. Rajpal, MD

2:30 pm Refreshment Break
  Session IV: Wet Labs
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
*This session is not accredited for CME
2:45 - 4:00 Wet Lab 1:
Crosslinking and Corneal Rings
Rajesh K. Rajpal, MD and Luis Fernandez-Vega, MD

  Wet Lab 2:
Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Mohammad F. Anwar, MD

  Wet Lab 3:
Diagnosis of Keratoconus Bootcamp
Stephen D. Klyce, PhD, FARVO

  Wet Lab 4:
Contact Lens Fitting
Edward Boshnick, OD, FAAO, FSLS and Chandra Mickles, OD, MSc, FAAO, FSLS

4:15 - 5:30 Wet Lab 1:
Crosslinking and Corneal Rings
Rajesh K. Rajpal, MD and Luis Fernandez-Vega, MD

  Wet Lab 2:
Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Mohammad F. Anwar, MD

  Wet Lab 3:
Diagnosis of Keratoconus Bootcamp
Stephen D. Klyce, PhD, FARVO

  Wet Lab 4:
Contact Lens Fitting
Edward Boshnick, OD, FAAO, FSLS and Chandra Mickles, OD, MSc, FAAO, FSLS

5:30 pm Adjourn/Cocktail Reception