Poster Session
Poster session will be held Saturday, April 13, 2024, at the Retter Patio of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL. Selected posters will be assigned a poster stand (for printed posters) or cocktail table (for e-posters). Printed posters should be pinned on the boards by 8:00 am and taken down by 3:00 pm. E-poster presenters must bring their own laptop or tablet to display the e-poster on the cocktail table at the assigned time. Poster presenters within the specialty of Oncology, Pathology, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Retina, and Uveitis are expected to be at their assigned poster location from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Poster presenters within the specialty of Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea, Glaucoma, Neuro-ophthalmology, and Oculoplastics are expected to be at their assigned poster location from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.
Submission deadline is Friday, April 5 at 5:00 pm ET. Please submit your abstract early as the number of poster stands and cocktail tables is limited. We will send you an e-mail notification if your abstract is selected and we will provide a poster stand or table number on a rolling basis.
Your submission must contain the following:
- Title
- Presenter
- Presenter Affiliation
- Presenter E-mail Address
- Co-author(s)
- Co-author Affiliation(s)
- Abstract should not exceed 300 words and must include the following four sections:
1. Purpose
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusions - Financial disclosures (see DISCLOSURES section below)
Printed posters should generally be 4x5 ft, but other sizes are allowed as long as they do not exceed 4x8 ft (height x width), which is the size of the stand. E-posters can be shown as a single PowerPoint slide or as a set of 5-8 slides.
Meeting Registration
All abstract presenters must register and pay the fees to attend the meeting and the poster session. Registration is complimentary for University of Miami faculty, staff, residents, fellows, and students.
All presenters are expected to:
- Present the same work described in the abstract, with the same title, authors, and content.
- Fully disclose all commercial relationships relevant to the subject matter for themselves and all co-authors of the abstract for the prior 12 months (see DISCLOSURES section below).
- Design a poster that is independent, objective, scientifically rigorous, balanced, and free of bias.
- Assure that scientific studies utilized or referenced in their poster are from sources acceptable to the scientific and medical community.
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires disclosures be made to session participants of unlabeled or unapproved uses of drugs or devices contained in poster/presentations. You must disclose any such uses when you are discussing unlabeled or unapproved uses of drugs or devices.
All disclosures must be included with your submission and listed in the poster. First/presenting authors must fully disclose to session participants all commercial relationships for themselves and all abstract co-authors, for the prior 12 months. Disclosures should include the name(s) of the commercial interest and the natureof the relationship (Consultant/Advisor; Employee; Lecture Fees; Equity Owner; Patents/Royalty; Grant Support). Indicate “None” if no relationships exist.
Contact Information
For general questions about the poster and poster session, please contact by email: