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Biostatistics Center


The Biostatics Center provides the latest in biostatistical and information science to researchers.

Experimental Design

Evaluate the feasibility of research projects, provide sample size and power estimates, as well as randomization schedules, case-control selection, and relevant variables to be documented.

Research Protocol Development

Assist researchers in the development of laboratory, experimental model, and clinical experiments, including developing protocols and data collection forms for clinical trials and epidemiologic studies.

Statistical Coordinating Center Activities

These activities include randomization and follow-up on patients for multicenter, randomized clinical trials; data collection and management; statistical analysis plan (SAP) development and data analysis; and convening Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) meetings.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The Biostatics Center can assist researchers with statistical analysis and interpretation for a wide range of studies.

Proposal and Report Preparation

Collaborate with researchers in preparing grant applications, reports for data and safety monitoring committees, manuscripts, and presentations.

Training and Education

Biostatisticians teach residents and fellows about appropriate study design, analysis, and interpretation of results specific to their projects (basic, translational, and clinical research).