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Biostatistics Center

Felipe A. Medeiros

Felipe A. Medeiros

Professor of Ophthalmology

Biography: Felipe A. Medeiros, M.D., Ph.D. is the Rodgers Endowed Professor of Ophthalmology and Vice Chair of Research at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (BPEI). He is also the Director of the McKnight Vision Research Center at BPEI.

Dr. Medeiros’ research has span multiple domains, from the development of innovative methods and technologies for early diagnosis...
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Robert O’Brien, Ph.D.


Dr. O’Brien joined the Biostatics Center in 2023. He earned his M.S. in statistics from the University of California in San Diego in 2008 and his Ph.D. in biostatistics from the University of Miami in 2018. He has been working as a biostatistician since 2008 and his experience as a biostatistician encompasses the design and analysis of clinical trials, protocol and grant development, sample size calculations, statistical consultation, data analysis, manuscript writing, peer review, modeling, and methodological development. He has a broad knowledge of statistics/biostatistics, encompassing both classical and modern methods, and is proficient in statistical computing using both SAS and R. 

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Jiangtao Luo, Ph.D.


Dr. Luo joined Bascom Palmer Eye Institute as a biostatistics scientist in 2024. Previously, he held the position of associate professor of biostatistics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Eastern Virginia Medical School, and the University of Houston. He also served as a study biostatistician for the Children’s Oncology Group and as a biostatistician reviewer for the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs for 19 consecutive cycles. In addition, Dr. Luo has been the lead biostatistician for multiple research projects funded by R01, U grants, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, totaling over 40 million dollars in research support. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers and has collaborated with scientists and researchers across a wide range of disciplines. His current research focuses on using modern biostatistics and data science techniques to address challenges in eye healthcare. Dr. Luo earned a joint doctoral degree in mathematics and statistics from the University of Florida in 2009 and completed his postdoctoral training at Penn State Medical Center in 2010. He also holds master’s degrees in statistics and mathematics from the University of Florida.

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Laura Huertas, M.P.H.


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Lomas Persad, Ph.D.

Associate Scientist

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Luz Ajuria

Research Assistant