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Angiogenesis, Exudation, and Degeneration 2025 – Virtual Edition

All Times are ET
Program is subject to change

Saturday, February 3, 2024

7:50 am Welcome and Overview / Pre-Program Test
Philip J. Rosenfeld, Harry W. Flynn, Jr., and Thomas A. Albini
  Session I: OCTomics
Moderators: Philip Rosenfeld, Giovanni Gregori, and Omer Trivizki
Panelists: K. Bailey Freund, Amitha Domalpally, SriniVas Sadda, Omer Trivizki, Alessandro Berni, David Sarraf, Yuxuan Cheng, Jie Lu, Ruikang Wang, James Fujimoto, and Toshinori Murata
8:00 New Imaging Findings from High-Res OCT
K. Bailey Freund

8:10 Trizonal Distribution of Drusen and SDD with En Face OCT Maps to Photoreceptor Density
David Sarraf

8:20 Multimodal Assessment of OCT Biomarkers of GA and its Precursors
Amitha Domalpally

8:30 Precursor Lesions for Development of Atrophy in AMD
SriniVas R. Sadda

8:40 A Comparison Between the Grading of iRORA and cRORA on OCT B-Scans with the Grading of Persistent Hype transmission Defects on En Face OCT images
Omer Trivizki
8:50 Algorithms to Detect and Quantify Drusen, Choroidal Hypertransmission Defects, and Hyperpigmentation Applicable to Both SD-OCTA and SS-OCTA Scans
Philip J. Rosenfeld
9:00 SS-OCTA Imaging of High-Risk OCT Biomarkers that Predict Disease Progression in Intermediate AMD
Alessandro Berni
9:10 Automated Segmentation and Quantification of Calcifying Drusen Applicable to Both SD-OCT and SS-OCT Scans
Jie Lu

9:20 Automated Detection of Choroidal Hypertransmission Defects with Both SD-OCTA and SS-OCTA Scans
Yuxuan Cheng

9:30 Automated Measurement of Outer Retinal Thickness as a Biomarker for Assessing AMD Progression
Ruikang Wang

9:40 SS-OCT Angiography for Mapping Retinal Capillary Structure and Assessing Flow
James G. Fujimoto

9:50 Leakage Detection Through OCT-Angiography Using Artificial Intelligence-Inferred Fluorescein Angiography
Toshinori Murata

  Session II: Non-Exudative AMD
Moderators: Jaclyn L. Kovach, Zohar Yehoshua, and Philip J. Rosenfeld
Panelists: Christine Curcio, Carel Hoyng, Lawrence Yannuzzi, Giovanni Staurenghi, Emily Y. Chew, Seung-Young Yu, Giuseppe Querques, and Pearse Keane
10:00 Early Onset AMD: Lessons to Learn
Carel B. Hoyng

10:10 Zonal Resolution of Widespread Drusen
Lawrence A. Yannuzzi

10:20 Lysolipids are Prominent in Subretinal Drusenoid Deposits
Christine A. Curcio

10:30 The Importance of Basal Laminar Deposits in AMD
Giovanni Staurenghi

10:40 Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analyses for Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration---AREDS/AREDS2
Emily Y. Chew

10:50 Impact of Risk Factors on Progression and Vision Impairment of Geographic Atrophy in a Korean Patient Cohort
Seung-Young Yu

11:00 Predictors of GA Development in Type 3 MNV Treated with Anti-VEGF Therapy
Giuseppe Querques

11:10 Foundation Models and AMD
Pearse A. Keane

  Session III: Emerging Therapies for Non-Exudative AMD
Moderators: Ninel Z. Gregori, Philip J. Rosenfeld, and Raquel Goldhardt
Panelists: Mario Saravia, Philip J. Rosenfeld, Robert Bhisitkul, Allen C. Ho, Byron L. Lam, Carl Danzig, Jeffrey S. Heier, Peter K. Kaiser, and Eleonora Lad
11:20 Balloon Angioplasty for AMD: An Update
Mario Saravia

11:30 Optogenetics for Restoring Vision in Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Advanced AMD
Allen C. Ho

11:40 AVD-104 for Geographic Atrophy: Glyco-Immunologic Modulation of Macrophage Activity
Carl Danzig

11:50 Retinal Structure Improvements with OpRegen RPE Cell Therapy in a Phase I/IIa Study in Geographic Atrophy
Allen C. Ho

12:00 pm Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Injections of ANX007 in Patients With Geographic Atrophy: Results of the ARCHER Study
Jeffrey S. Heier

12:10 Elamipretide Update - Entering Phase 3
Peter K. Kaiser

12:20 LIGHTSITE III 24-Month Analysis: Evaluation of Multiwavelength Photobiomodulation in Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Eleonora Lad

  Session IV: Visual FunctionTesting and Complement Inhibition for the Treatment of GA
Moderators: Sander R. Dubovy, Zohar Yehoshua, and Philip J. Rosenfeld
Panelists: Nadia K. Waheed, Michael S. Ip, Karl G. Csaky, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Usha Chakravarthy, Arshad M. Khanani, David R. Lally, Justis P. Ehlers, Glenn J. Jaffe, Dilsher Dhoot, Roger A. Goldberg, and Nathan C. Steinle
12:30 Comparability of Functional Retinal Testing Across Devices in AMD Patients and Normal Controls
Nadia K. Waheed

12:40 Functional Endpoints in Geographic Atrophy: An Analysis from the Chroma and Spectri Clinical Trials
Michael S. Ip

12:50 The Use of High Density Focal Photopic Microperimetry to Follow Response to Anti-Complement Therapy in Patients with Geographic Atrophy
Karl G. Csaky

1:00 AI in GA: How to Screen, Identify and Monitor Patients in the Real-World
Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

1:10 2-year Expanded Efficacy Data from the GATHER 2 Trial
Arshad M. Khanani

1:20 Safety Findings from the GATHER Program Including 2-year Results from the GATHER2 Trial
David R. Lally

1:30 Functional Consequences of Avacincaptad Treatment in the GATHER Trials
Usha Chakravarthy

1:40 Hypertransmission Defects and Ellipsoid Zone Integrity Dynamics in the GATHER Clinical Trials
Justis P. Ehlers

1:50 Does Initial GA Growth Rate Predict GA Lesion Growth Rate and Response to Therapy at 2 years: 2-year Follow-up Data from GATHER 2
Glenn J. Jaffe

2:00 Update on Pegcetacoplan for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy
Dilsher Dhoot

2:10 Functional Benefits with Pegcetacoplan
Roger A. Goldberg

2:20 An Anchored-Matching Adjusted Indirect Comparison of the Phase 3 Trials for GA: Pegcatacoplan vs. Avacincaptad Pegol
Nathan C. Steinle

  Session V: Real World Experience with Complement Inhibition for GA
Moderators: Thomas A. Albini, Philip J. Rosenfeld, and Janet L. Davis
Panelists: Nadia K. Waheed, Michael S. Ip, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Karl G. Csaky, Usha Chakravarthy, Arshad M. Khanani, David R. Lally, Justis P. Ehlers, Glenn J. Jaffe, Mathew MacCumber, Omer Trivizki, Andre J. Witkin, Dilsher Dhoot, Roger A. Goldberg, Lawrence Singerman, Nathan C. Steinle, and Charles C. Wykoff
2:30 Management of Geographic Atrophy with Pegcetacoplan in Clinical Practice: First Time Data Presentation from a Large Multi-Center Study
Mathew MacCumber

2:40 Defining Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis
Thomas A. Albini

2:50 Retinal Vasculitis Following Intravitreal Pegcetacoplan: An Update from the ASRS ReST Committee
Andre J. Witkin

3:00 Panel Discussion: Translating the Results of Clinical Trials to the Real-World Treatment of Late Nonexudative AMD
  Session VI: Emerging Therapies for Exudative AMD
Moderators: Luis J. Haddock, Stephen G. Schwartz, and Nicolas A. Yannuzzi
Panelists: Mark R. Barakat, Xiaodong Sun, David Eichenbaum, Arshad M. Khanani, Charles C. Wykoff, Carl D. Regillo, Nancy Holekamp, Anat Lowenstein, and David M. Brown
3:30 KSI-501 Bispecific Anti-VEGF Anti-IL-6 Antibody Biopolymer Conjugate: First Time Results of the Multiple Ascending Dose Phase 1 Study
Mark R. Barakat

3:40 Clinical Trails Evaluating LX102 Anti-VEGF Gene Therapy in Patients with Wet AMD
Xiaodong Sun

3:50 Subretinal Delivery of RGX-314 for Neovascular AMD: A Phase 2 Pharmacodynamic Study
David Eichenbaum

4:00 First Interim Results (24 weeks) for the Randomized Phase 2 Dose Expansion Stage of the PRISM Clinical Trial of 4D-150 in High Need Patients with nAMD
Arshad M. Khanani

4:10 THE DAVIO 2 TRIAL: Topline Data from a Phase 2, Multicenter Study of a Single Injection of EYP-1901 (Vorolanib in the Durasert E™ Technology) vs Aflibercept for Previously Treated Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Charles C. Wykoff

4:20 THE DAVIO 2 TRIAL: Subgroup Data from a Phase 2, Multicenter Study of a Single Injection of EYP-1901 (Vorolanib in the Durasert E™ Technology) vs Aflibercept for Previously Treated Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Carl D. Regillo

4:30 Home OCT Guided Management of Patients with nAMD
Nancy Holekamp

4:40 Longitudinal AI-based Fluid Quantification and its Implication for Remote Patient Monitoring
Anat Loewenstein

4:50 Is 12 Weeks the New Norm? What Determines Why Some Patients Need More Frequent Intravitreal Dosing?
David M. Brown

  Session VII: Current Anti-VEGF Therapies for Exudative AMD and Retinal Vascular Diseases: High-Dose Aflibercept
Moderators: Thomas A. Albini, Maura DiNicola, and Philip J. Rosenfeld
Panelists: W. Lloyd Clark, Gemmy Cheung Chui Ming, Diana V. Do, and John A. Wells
5:00 96-week Efficacy and Safety of Aflibercept 8 mg in nAMD: An Update from the PULSAR Study
W. Lloyd Clark

5:10 Aflibercept 8mg for PCV Subgroup in the PULSAR Study
Gemmy Cheung Chui Ming

5:20 Aflibercept 8mg for Diabetic Macular Edema: Update on the 96-Week Results of the PHOTON Study
Diana V. Do

5:30 Aflibercept 8 mg: Safety Outcomes from the CANDELA, PULSAR, and PHOTON Studies
John A. Wells

5:40 Discussion
  Session VIII: Current Anti-VEGF Therapies for Exudative AMD and Retinal Vascular Diseases: Faricimab
Moderators: Thomas A. Albini, Maura DiNicola, and Philip J. Rosenfeld
Panelists: Jennifer Lim, Rishi Singh, Ramin Tadayoni, Robyn Guymer, and Arshad M. Khanani
5:50 Targeting Ang2 and VEGF - Biology, Pharmacokinetics and Latest Clinical Data in nAMD and DME
Jennifer I. Lim

6:00 Emerging Imaging and Biological Markers Supporting Angiopoietin-2 in nAMD and DME
Rishi Singh

6:10 Faricimab in RVO: 72-Week Results From the BALATON and COMINO Phase 3 Studies
Ramin Tadayoni

6:20 Voyager Study- Update on Faricimab in the Real World
Robyn Guymer

6:30 Insights from Clinical Practice - Review of First Year Experience with Faricimab in the Real World
Arshad M. Khanani

6:40 Discussion
  Session IX: Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Vascular Diseases
Moderators: Harry W. Flynn, Jr., Justin H. Townsend, and Basil Williams
Panelists: Jennifer K. Sun, Quan Dong Nguyen, Baruch Kuppermann, Robert Bhisitkul, David S. Boyer, Felipe Pereira, Veeral Sheth, Dante Pieramici, Peter A. Campochiaro, Darius M. Moshfeghi, and Martin Friedlander
6:50 OCT Angiography in Diabetic Retinopathy
Harry W. Flynn, Jr.

7:00 Predictors of Diabetic Retinopathy Worsening on Ultrawide Field Imaging
Jennifer K. Sun

7:10 OCS-01 for Diabetic Macular Edema: A New Perspective on Dexamethasone
Quan Dong Nguyen

7:20 Intravitreal Sustained-Release Dexamethasone Implant for DME and RVO: Interim Results from the First In-Human Phase 2 RIPPLE-1 Trial
Baruch Kuppermann

7:30 Subgroup analysis and effect of disease severity in the BEHOLD phase 2 study of UBX1325 in DM
Robert Bhisitkul

7:40 RZ402: A Novel Orally Administered Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitor Targeting Diabetic Macular Edema
David S. Boyer

7:50 Oral 3TC for Center-Involved Diabetic Macular Edema: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Felipe Pereira

8:00 APX3330 Oral Treatment to Slow the Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy Using a Binocular DRSS Severity Scale as the Endpoint
Veeral Sheth

8:10 The Path Forward for PDS: Technical Data Supporting Device Improvements and Septum Dislodgement Mitigation
Dante Pieramici

8:20 The impact of Continuous Delivery of Ranibizumab with PDS on Retinal Nonperfusion in Diabetic Retinal Disease
Peter Campochiaro

8:30 Combined Analysis of BUTTERFLEYE/FIREFLEYE NEXT Aflibercept for ROP Treatment Trials and the Emerging ROP Prevention Trials
Darius M. Moshfeghi

8:40 What’s New with MacTel2?
Martin Friedlander

8:50 Post-Program Test and Closing Remarks
8:55 Meeting Adjourns