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Storm Alert: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute continues to monitor Hurricane Milton. If you have an eye concern, please contact our Rapid Virtual Eye Care service at

The Vision Society

Donors whose gifts total $10,000 – $49,999 are recognized in this society, honoring their vision for a world free of blindness.

Mr. & Mrs. Willam Abney

Mrs. Sam H. Abramson

Mrs. Ana Adler

Advanced Cell Technology

Advanced Medical Optics

Mrs. Anna R. Alberico*

Mr. Leo N. Albert*

John Alexander*

Alimera Sciences, Inc.

Mrs. Angela Alvarez


August S.* & Bette Andersen

Dr. Douglas & Wirtley Anderson

The Angels of Charity, Inc.


Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Ans

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Ansin

Viola J. Anterburn, Jr., Esq.*

The Jack & Harriet Appel Foundation Trust

The Applebaum Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Harold N. Asiel

Mr. & Mrs. Ural Ataman

Mr. Herman Auerbach*

Mr. Burton August

David C. Auth, Ph.D., P.E.

Mr. Richard E. Azar

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baer

Barbara & Gerson Bakar Foundation

Vernon* & Eva Ball

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baird*

Mr. Luis Bared

Mr. & Mrs. H. Barnhouse

Joan B. & Richard L. Barovick Family Foundation

Mr. Myron B. Bauer

Mr. Lang Baumgarten

Ms. Paula A. Bebj

Dr. Carmine & Carol Bedotto

Mr. James A. Bell*

Dr. Stuart H. Bender

Bernie Bercuson*

Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Berg

Estate of Louis Berens

In memory of Milton Bergman*

Judy Bergman

Dr. Samuel Berkowitz 

Malcolm & Sandra R. Berman 

Mr. Morris Bernhard*

Mrs. Helen B. Bernstein-Fealy*

I. Jack & Elsie Bernstein Foundation

Better Vision Institute

Roger E. & Mary L. Birk

David* & Susan Bisgeier

The Bauer Bisgeier Foundation

Harold & Erika Bishins*

Alfreda Blagaich-Smith

Lawrence J. & Lynn M. Blanford

Esther Blattner*

Helen P. Blauvelt*

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Blodi

Ms. Judith Bloom

Marie Bloom & *Theodore A. Deckert

Morris & *Olga Bluestein

Ms. Leslie N. Bluhm

Ms. Jeanne Blumberg*

Ms. Florence R. Blunden*

In memory of Edith June Blyler *

D. Dixon Boardman

Ms. Constance M. Boggild*

Mrs. Sorrel Ross Bollet*

Mr. Samuel Bolnik*

Ms. Lydia Borgatta

Dr. Elizabeth Bowden 

Anita & *Leonard Boxer

Mr.* & Mrs. William M. Boyer

John F. & Denise M. Bracco

Charles W. Brand

Gordon & Trudy Brekus*

Arthur* & Marilynn Bressman

Breyer Foundation Inc.

Mr.* & Mrs. Henry W. Breyer, III

Mr. Jack Brier

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brisker

The Shepard Broad Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Broadhead

Mr. & Mrs. William Broeder

Mrs. Rena M. Broidy*

Mr.* & Mrs. Sheldon V. Brooks

Sara B. Brorein

Mr. Colon Brown, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Brown

Mr. And Mrs. James J. Bruder

The Brunetti Foundation

Mr. James Bryan/Auto Team Management

Mr. Ken Bryfogle, Jr.   

Mrs. Blanche S. Buck*

Faye Buchbinder*

Dr. Helmut*& Heide Buettner

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Burkhead

Elsie Burstein

David H. & Betty J. Burrows

Betty M. & David H. Burrows, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George Bursak

Jean J. Busch

Mr. Samuel T. Byron

Mrs. Joanne B. Calafiura

Rita Campo

Mr. & Mrs. Hilario F. Candela

Canon U.S.A., Inc.

Mrs. Iris Cantor

Robert & Colette N. Cardone

Ms. Hazel H. Carlson*

Mr. Joseph L. Carlton

Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Carmel

Mr. Robert A. Carnavil

Mr. Michael A. Carpenter

Ms. Joy Carr

Thomas J. & Constance Cassady*

Daniel S. Catalfumo Family Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Nancy Cath*

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence W. Cavanaugh

John Cavender, M.D.

Sy & Joyce Chadroff

Mr. Philip H. Chakeres

Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Chamorro

Mrs. Leona Chanin

Marcy & Leona Chanin Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Chaplin/Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc.

Alvah H. & Wyline P. Chapman Foundation

Dr. Steve Charles

A. Mabis & Jane Chase*

Dr. Percival & Carolyn Chee

Mr. & Mrs. Te Chen

Chengdu Kanghong Biotechnology Co. Ltd.

Dr. Renate Chevli

Dr. Narem Chevli

The Chicago Community Foundation

Clarity Medical Systems, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Clark

Dr. S. William Clark, III

Dr. Henry Clayman

Clayman Family Charitable Foundation

Coastal Construction Serv. Group

Mr. Charles E. Cobb/The Cobb Family Foundation

Alan & Myrna Cohen Family Foundation

Ms. Carol Rae Cohen

Dr.*& Mrs. Nathan Cohen

Jean & David Colker*

Mrs. Mary Call Darby Collins*

Collins Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Connecticut School of Broadcasting

Mike & Julie B. Connors

The Connors Foundation 

James J. Colt Foundation, Inc.

CooperVision Surgical, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Corrigan

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Cosgrove

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Coulter

Henry T. Courtney, Esq.

Shirley I. Cowell*

Ms. Mazie Cox

Mrs. Pauline W. Crawford*

Judge A. Jay & Eleanor Cristol*

William E. Cross Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Gary B. Crouch

Mrs. Sara Crown Star 

Robert Crystal

Dr. William Culbertson

Dr. Victor& Mary Louise Curtin*

Jeanne Curtiss*

Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Cusco 

Mrs. Alice Ginther Cutrona

Judge Irving* & Hazel Cypen

Patricia Dahl

The Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Danker

Ms. Alice L. Davidson*

The Marvin H. Davidson Foundation, Inc.

James L. Davis*

Shelia Smith Davis

Ms. Martha Debrule

Gerard & Brooke de Gunzburg

Mary De Gunzburg*

John & Elizabeth Deinhardt*

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Deitch

Leslie Delman

Steven Feig/Delray Lighting, Inc.

Dr. David R. DeMartini

Mrs. Cecile L. Demers*

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Denison

Kausal & Deutsch Family Foundation

The Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Mel Dick 

Edward L. Diefenthal

Mr. Henry T. Diehl*

Mrs. Maureen M. Donell

Robert G. Miranda Donnelley

Virginia P. Dooley*

Karyn & Stuart Dornfield

Mr. & Mrs. James Dorsey

Dreman Foundation

Mr. Irving L. Duchan

Dr.* Lee R. & Alvina Duffner

Mr. & Mrs. Tully F. Dunlap

Mr.* & Mrs. Atwood Dunwody

Peter & Pamella Dupuis

Mary Elizabeth Durant*

Mrs. Jill Eber

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Edelstein

Margaret Edelstein*

The Robert & Gail Edelstein Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Stefan Edlis

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Edwards

The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc. 

Gary & Janet Ellis

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elmore*

The Dorothy Erismann Foundation

Ms. Caroline Ervin

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ervin

The Saul & Theresa Esman Foundation

Doug Esson & Carol Gilman

Mr.* & Mrs. Daniel Ettlinger

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. William Everett

Mr. Jeffrey P. Eves

The Eye Bank for Sight Restoration, Inc.

Ms. Frieda Fain*

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Farago

Mr. Donald R. Farquhar*

Mr. Mark Feldberg 

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fields*

Fifth Third Bank

Mr. Russell W. Fisher

Dr. & Mrs. Yale Fisher

Ms. Anne Fleisher*

Dugald A. Fletcher

Florescue Family Foundation

Dr. Harry W. & Donna D. Flynn

Dr.* & Mrs. John T. Flynn

Jeanne J. Ford*

Anne Halapin Francis*

Charlotte & Morton Frank*

Mrs. Joan M. Frazier

Ms. Louise Freas*

Dr. Ronald Frenkel/The Meyer & Anna Prentis Family Foundation

Muriel S. Freund

Mr. William Fricks / Fricks Foundation

Kathy & Fritz Friday

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Friedland*

Fred & Jane Friedman

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Fuchs 

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Fuchs*

Dr. Tadashi & Toshi Fujino

Dr. Dwain G. & Patricia Fuller

Michael S. Fuller & Jerry L. Lewis

Dr. Wayne E. & Helen Fung

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gaines

Mr. & Mrs. Muriel Gammage*

In honor of Dr. Donald Gass*

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Gelb

Dr. & Mrs. Henry Gelender

Mr. Bertram Milfred Gerson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Gerspacher

Robert A. Giacin / Community Service Foundation

Of Broward County

John W. & Virginia W. Gildea

Ms. Grace M. Gilson*

Mr. Mario Gimenez*

Drs. Joel Glaser* &

Norman J. Schatz Fund at The Miami Foundation

Mr. & Ms. Alvin Glasgold


The Frank L. & Helen Gofrank Foundation

Ms. Marion Golden

Mr. Irving Goldman*

Ms. Helen A. Goldsmith*

Ms. Myriam Goldsmith & Mr. Hector Duer

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Goldsmith

Marilyn Goldstein*

The Gopman Family

Dr. Ken Gordon 

Michael S. Gordon

Mr.* & Mrs. Morton Goudiss

The Tamra Gould & Howard Amster II Philanthropic Fund

Mary M. Graham

Barbara Greene

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Gressel

Greystone Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Gross 

Chateau Ocean, LLC 

Susen & Herb Grossman

Cecil Hackett

Ms. Dorothy E. Hadden*

Lauren F. Hager, Esq.

Irma Haigh*

Mr. James M. Haley

George E. Hall

Mr. Malcolm Hall

The Henry E. Haller, Jr. Foundation

Mr. Roy Halman

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Halmos

Mrs. Harriet C. Halpryn

Edgar Hamm Trust

Maximo Handel*

Sol & Minnie Handwerker

Mr. Bahaa R. Hariri

Ms. Paula J. Harris

Dr.* & Mrs. Glen Harrison

Mr. James C. Hartenstein

Fred L. Hartley Family Foundation

Abraham* & Wendy Hases

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Haymes

Mrs. Roscoe G. Haynie*

Ms. Ghislaine H. Head

Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Hecht

Mr. David J. Heffernan*

Mr. Allen G. Heintzelman*

Mrs. Lorna S. Heisler

Mr. Ingeborg Helfers*

Mr. Mrs. Jeff Henley/J & J Family Foundation

Ted* & Carole Hepburn

Mrs. Marjorie T. Herdon

Mr. & Mrs. Javier Herran

Lester K. & Mildred Hersch

Mr. Elliot Hershberg

Ms. Mary Louise Hieber*

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hills

George F. Hilton, M.D.*

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hochwald*

Doris & Martin Hoffman Family Foundation, Inc.

Bernice Hokin

Mercedes G. Holey*

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hollub

Mr. Don Horwitz

The Hovey Foundation

Ms. Geraldine Howlett*

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell II

House of Blues Entertainment, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Hubbard

The Hubbard Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. David M. Hunter*

Sanford & Judith Huston

Francoise Hutchison*

Mrs. Arthur Huttoe

Dr.* William L. & Sue Hutton

Ida Hutzler Charitable Trust

The International Research Foundation for

Children’s Eyecare Inc.

Intralase Corporation

Investors Trust Assurance SPC

IOP, Inc.

ISTA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Dikran Izmirlian

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jaar 

J.A.B. Ophthalmics

Dr. & Mrs. Scott L. Jaben

Mr. Ralph E. Jackson, Jr.

Lola & Donald* Jacobson

Caryl & Keith Jaffee / Jaffee Family Trust

Dr. Norman & Ann Jaffe*

Mr.* & Mrs. John C. Jansing

Ms. Anna H. Jennings*

Dr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Jessiman

Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland

Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation

Jewish Guild Healthcare

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Tom W. Johnson

Johnsonville Holding, Inc.

Alfred L. Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Joseph*

Dr. Eugene E. & Marlene Joyce

Ruth B. Kamaiko*

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kamis

Mr. & Mrs. Burton Kahn*

Mr. & Mrs. Morton Kalin

Mr. George A. Karam

Helene C. Karp

Jeanne Kaskey*

Mrs. Margaret A. Kassab*

Mr. & Mrs. William Kassling

Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Kasztl

Ms. Margot Kaufmann*

Mr. & Mrs. Arne Kauppinen*

Ms. Mildred Kaye*

Ms. Shirley H. Keeti*

KeyBank National Association

Karl Kirchgessner Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley

Mr. Henry A. Keller, Sr.*

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Kelly*

Ms. Helen P. Kelly*

Mr. & Mrs. James Kempe

Mrs. Ardith D. Kenny

Wendel & *Evelyn Kent

George & Joan Kessel

Edward Kesten

Keybank Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kinney

Dr.* & Mrs. Ralph E. Kirsch

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Kislak

Ms. Lynn Kislak

The Kislak Family Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Iris Kite*

Ms. Helene Klein*

Dr. Elliot & Fruema Klorfein*

Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Henry O. Koehler*

Ms. Fay Koenig*

Ms. Nancy Komorowski

Mr. Robert A. Kotick

Ms. Meline B. Kovacik

Mrs. Roz Kovens

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kramer

Mr. Mario Kreutzberger

Dr. & Mrs. Jan W. Kronish

Joseph Kubacka, Jr.

Mr. Ben Kuehne

Lawrence & Marcia Kunken

Jeffrey C. Kusch

Gertrude G. La Londe*

Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Lachman

Lachman Family Foundation 

Ann W. LaFontaine*

Mr. & Mrs. John Lance

Landon Family Foundation

The Kenneth A. Lattman Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lauer

Mr. A.J.W. Le Bien*

Mrs. Mary J. Leahey*

The Gary & Bernice Lebbin Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Max Lebow*

Mr. Bruce B. Lederman

Patricia Lee

Dr. Richard Lee

Aleathea V. Leonard*

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leonard

Ainsworth Leslie

A. & S. Leslie Family Trust

Richard & Kathy Lesser

Mr. William Levenson*

Dr. Bern M. Levine    

Ruth Levkoff

Ms. Gerda Levy

Dr. Mary Lou Lewis & Mr. Jack* Lewis

Mrs. Lynn Liddell

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Liddy

Lile Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. James Lillie

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Lilly

Mr. Walter Linde

George L. Lindemann, Jr.

Mr. Dennis Ling & Mrs. Janice Teal 

Lipman Family Farms

Mr. Meyer Lipson*

Mr. Gus Lobenwein*

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lombart

Barbara Collins Longe

Paul R. Lux*

The Macula Society

Mrs. David Mahoney 

Mrs. France  Maichin*

The Mailman Foundation

Ms. Jacqueline Malloy

Ms. Ruth Malloy*

Ms. Helena A. Manning*

Mrs. Mary Mikesell Mapp*

Charles B. & Helga Marqusee

Jaime & Magda Marti

Julia & Morris Mash*

Karen B. Mashkin, Ph.D.

Mrs. Carrie Turino Mastronardi*

Mr. William M. Matthews 

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mayer

Dr. & Mrs. John B. McBeath

The McCashin Family

Robert & Lorraine McCashin

Ms. Patricia A. McConnell

Clare Broeker McCormick*

Robert J. McDonald

Brenda & John McGlade

Mrs. Erin McGould

Mr. James McIntosh

Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. McKenna

Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. McKillop

Ms. Evelyn E. McLaughlin*

Ms. Maureen M. McLaughlin

Amy B. & *William McLean, Jr.

Mr. Michael B. McLearn

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel McLendon*

Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Meadors, III

Dr.  Jerry & Rhona Meislik


Mellon Private Wealth Management

Mr. Eric Mendelson  

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Menowitz

The Harold & Sophie Menowitz Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Mark F. Mergen

Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.

Thomas M.* & Sarah V. Mettler

Deborah Meyer*

Lena Meyers*

The Miami Foundation

Pauline & George Michel, Jr.

Mr. Donald K. Miller

Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Miller

Gerald M. & Carole A. Miller Family Foundation

Dr. Gordon R. Miller*

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Milstein

Mitchell Wolfson, Sr. Foundation

Ms. Susanne Mock*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mondshine 

Antonietta Mongillo

Mr. & Mrs. Dudley L. Moore  

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moran

Mr. Southwood J. Morcott

Mr. Andres Moreno

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert N. Morgan

Joyce Wallace Morgan

Frank N.* & Deborah Morgenstern

Mr. H. B. Morley

Mr. Robert Moser

Ms. Marion F. Mosher*

Ms. Mildred B. Mount*

Florence Green Mufson*

Mrs. Colleen Murphy & Mr. Paul Skapura

Mr. Thomas P. Murphy, Jr.

John P. Murray Jr. Family

Joseph L. Muscarelle Foundation, Inc.

Peter L. Myers

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Myrua

Mr.* & Mrs. Robert Naegele

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Nelson

Robert & Judi Newman Family Foundation   

Naples Daily News

Neovista, Inc.

Neurotech USA, Inc.

Erika Ehrlich Newman

Mary & John Nice

Nidek, Incorporated

Anne Niedwiecki*

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nolan

Northern Trust Bank of Florida

Northern Trust, N.A.

Northern Trust Bank West Florida Region


Novartis Farmaceutica, S.A. De C.

Novartis Pharma Logistics Inc.

Ms. Sara O'Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Oliver III

Drs. Karl R. Olsen & Martha E. Hildebrandt

William & Joyce O’Meara

Ophthotech Corporation

Optical Department of Miami/Angel Perez

Optovue, Inc.

Oraya Therapeutics, Inc.

Dr. Robert & Barbara Osher

Ms. Elizabeth Padron

Mr. Jose O. Padron

Padron Family Foundation, Inc.

Palm Healthcare Foundation

Mrs. Helen E. Palmer*

Ms. Phyllis Palmer Dirkes

PanOptica, Inc.

Ms. Joan Goldstein Parker

The Payne Fund

Bernard S.* & Marjorie D. Peck

Mrs. Ursula Peckerman

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Pedone

Norma K. Perdue*

Dr. David Perlberg*

Helen Perlberg*

Mary Jane Perlberg*

Mr. Stanley Perlmeter*

Mrs. Joseph Pesenti

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pettenaro

Ms. Margaret C. Peyton

Ms. Sybil A. Pickett*

Mr. Julius Edward Pierce*

Mr.* & Mrs. Richard C. Pietrafesa

Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Pilotte

Leonard Pinchuk, Ph.D.

Ms. Gertrude Piotrkiewicz*

Mr. Frank H. Poe*

Mrs. Beatrice Polevoy

Mr. Sheldon S. Polish 

Ms. Zwia Pollen*

Mr. & Mrs. J. Pollio Jr.

Pollio Family Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Poppel

Sir Edward & *Lady Anna Lee Porter

Mr. Alan H. & Dr. Brigitt Rok Potamkin

Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Potash

Potentia Pharmaceuticals

Dr. James O. Powell

Mrs. Dorothy Preefer*

Prevent Blindness Florida

Mr. & Mrs. Lance R. Primis

Mr. & Mrs. John Pulling

Mr. Patrick Putzi

Mr. & Mrs. Leroy B. Raffel

Ms. Jean B. Rand*

Ms. Berthola Rasmussen*

Mrs. Ruth T. Rauch

Ms. Adele G. Reed*

Ms. Mary C. Reilly*

Ms. Emily Reily*

Fred A. Reisman

Eli Reiss & Sally T. Reiss Intervivos Trust

Mr. B. Coleman Renick, Jr.

Mrs. Stella A. Renshaw*

Retina Research Foundation

Ms. Janice Revitz

J. Walter* & Phyllis H. Rex

Oliver A. Reynolds*

Guy B. Rhoton

Mrs. Marion Rice*

Louis Richards

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Rickert

Eric Ridder, Jr.

Helen Rider*

Rifkin Family Foundation

Leandro Rizzuto Foundation

Gussie Robbins

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Robinson

Gilbert J. Rose, M.D.

Ms. Leslie Rose*

Jerry Rosenbaum, M.D.

Kenneth Rosenberg Foundation

Bernis & *Richard Rosenbloom

Dr. Steven I. & Lisa Rosenfeld

In honor of Philip J. Rosenfeld

from a grateful patient

Mr. & Mrs. Barry P. Rosenthal

The Rosenstiel Foundation

Ms. Nancy Ross

Matthew Roth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Roth

Ronnie Roth

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Roth

Justin Rothberg/Eyes Ahead

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Rothfuss*

Bill Rowley/Healthnetwork Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Rubin

Walter* & Lucille Rubin Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rudnick*

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Rumbough, Jr.

Ms. Lela S. Rumill*

Louise Runnells

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Rush

Rush Family Charitable Trust

Kathryn J. Rybovich

Mr. Jacob & Shari Safra

Albert* & Carolyn Sakolsky

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Saltzman

Mr.* & Mrs. Don Salyer

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Samet

Sanbio, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Joel Sandberg

Mrs. Irene Sands*

Mrs. Nelson P. Sanford*

Santen Incorporated

Santen Holdings

Ms. Sharon M. Saraniti

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sarnoff*

Mr.* & Mrs. Thomas A. Saunders III

Ms. Madelyn Savarick

John & Heloine Savoir

Andree & Ed Scanlon

Ms. Helen L. Schacht

Max & Evelyn Schacknow Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Rosalind Schaffer*

Schepens International Society

Mark P. Schnapp

Mr. Alan Neil Schneider*

Barbara Schoenfeld

Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schwartz

Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz*

Mr. Donald B. Scott, Sr.

Ralph & Liesel Scott

Dr. Ronald L. Seeley

Senville Foundation

Sequenom Center for Molecular Medicine

Dr. Raymond Sever

Mrs. Edythe Shamroth

The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation

Jay B. Shapiro, Esq.

Mr. Abraham Shaulson/Botanical Trust

Linda & Mike Shepherd

Lawrence C. Sherman* 

Morris Shiveck & Lois Russell

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Shore

Dr. & Mrs. Harry Shpiner*

Richard G. Shugarman, M.D.*

Mrs. Adele Siegel

Philip T. Siegel, DDS

Dr. David W. Sime

Mr. William Simon

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Singer

Sirion Therapeutics, Inc.

Ms. Emma R. Siskind*

Ms. Theresa M. Slater*

Eunice Sloan

Joan Kennedy Slocum

The Honorable* & Mrs. David S. Smith

Ms. Jacqueline A. Smith

Mrs. Bertha P. Smolian*

Ms. Madeline Solberg*

Morris Sosnow*

Malcom W. & Lorrain Sommerville-Hall

Elmor* & Anna Spector

Leslie W. Spero

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Spillis

Dr. Thomas J. Stafford

J. Harold Stanley, M.D.

Starlight Children’s Foundation 

Mrs. Corinne H. Starlight*

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Starner

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Statler

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Staton

Mr. & Mrs. William Stavropoulos

Laura Stayer

Bernard Sternlight*

Madeliene B. Sternlight*

Mr.* & Mrs. Charles T. Stewart

Fredric & Catherine Stinson

Claire J. Stocking

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Stone

Ronald G. Stone

Frank Strick Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stucker

Mr.* & Mrs. Harry Sugarman

Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Sullivan

Suram Trading Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Takach

Ms. Sophia Talazko

Drs. Myron & Monica Tanenbaum

Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Tanner

Theodore & Alice Tarone

Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Teruzzi*

Stanley & Joni Tate

Mrs. Carolyn C. Taub

Mr. Ralph Tawil

Thomsen Foundation Inc.

Thrombogenics, Inc.

Tokyo Optical Co., Ltd.

Niki & Tom Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Tomsich

Rick, Margarita & Steven Tonkinson

Mr.* & Mrs. Harold Toppel

The Trotta Family

Drs. David & Jean Tse

Dr. David N. & Lynda Tucker

Mrs. Helen Uchitel*

United Jewish Community of Broward County

Univision-Media Vista Group

Dr. Raksha Urs

Mrs. Harry Uttal*

Mr. & Mrs. Bharat Vakil

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge C. Valls 

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Van Alen

Kent-Lucas Foundation

Mr. Henry Van Milligan*

Dr. & Mrs. Mylan Van Newkirk

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Vecellio

Vista Building Maintenance Service, Inc.

Harry Webster Walker*

Gary R. Wallace

Dr. Wilson K. & Karen Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Walter

Irving Waltman, Esq. 

Dr. John D. & Mrs. Josephine Wang

Ms. Xiaojin Wang

Mr. & Mrs. George E. Wardeberg

Ms. Nancy Palmer Wardropper

Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Watkins

The Weiler Foundation-Bartlett Burnap

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weiner

Mr. Jaime D. Weisinger

Ms. Marian Weisman*

K.B.* & Edna Weissman

Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Welch

John F. Welch Jr., Foundation

Arthur & Gullan Wellman/Medical Research Trust

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Randall Whitman

Ms. Julia Wiest*

Wikstrom Foundation

Stella & Hack Wilson Family Foundation

Nina J. Williams, Esq.*

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Willner

Wilmington Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Don Winer

Jack & Maxine Wishart Charitable D. Trust

  -Lisa W. Chaffin & Family-

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Wishnack

Mr. Dean & Jane B. Woodman

Erving & Joyce Wolf Foundation

Anne Wolfers Revocable Trust

Zelma S. & Henry E. Wolff*

Ms. Jeri L. Wolfson/ The Wolfson Foundation

Amy Wollowick

Norman Woodlief, M.D.

Mrs. Sara Hopkins Woodruff*


Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wyett

Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Stephen H. Cypen, President

Dr. Lawrence A. Yannuzzi/Macula Foundation

The Harry & Rose S. Zaifert Foundation

Dr. Harvey Zalaznick

Carl Zeiss Surgical, Inc.

In loving memory*

Donations listed as of June 1, 2021–May 31, 2022