Ranked as the top eye institute, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute boasts a renowned neuro-ophthalmology division with a rich history. Serving as a hub of excellence for educating residents and fellows on all aspects of clinical and research-based neuro-ophthalmology, the fellowship program is led by Dr. Byron Lam and has trained over 130 fellows from across the globe.
The program offers three one-year AUPO FCC-compliant fellowships in clinical neuro-ophthalmology that cater to physicians who have completed residency training in either ophthalmology or neurology. The training program is customized to the fellow's prior experience and future interests, offering ample opportunities for research and teaching. The clinical neuro-ophthalmology faculty, Drs. Byron Lam, Carlos Mendoza, Joshua Pasol, and Hong Jiang offer guidance and supervision throughout the training.
The training comprises of outpatient care, inpatient consultation, and didactic learning through various activities, including weekly neuro-ophthalmology case conferences, grand rounds, resident lecture series covering all aspects of ophthalmology including neuro-ophthalmology, and weekly neuroradiology conferences in conjunction with neurosurgery and ENT. By the end of the program, fellows will receive comprehensive training in the diagnosis and management of diverse neuro-ophthalmic conditions.
Each fellow must undertake and complete one research project, which is presented at the annual alumni meeting of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute or national conferences such as the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society with funding available to cover travel expenses.
On-call responsibilities for neuro-ophthalmology services during nights and weekends are shared among the neuro-ophthalmology fellows. The on-call activities are specific to neuro-ophthalmology and are generally not too demanding.
Salary and benefits at a PGY-5 level are consistent with other fellowships provided through the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, with benefits including personal and family health insurance and payment of malpractice and Florida licensure fees. The fellowship positions are offered through SF Match.
Please note: You must have a Florida State Medical License before beginning your
Fellowship. You must have passed all 3 parts of the USMLE for a Florida License and have spent 2 years in the United States under direct physician supervision.
Please contact Dr. Byron Lam (blam@med.miami.edu) and Dr. Hong Jiang (h.jiang@med.miami.edu) for more information.
Dr. Byron Lam
Phone: 305-326-6021
Email: blam@med.miami.edu
Yaimara Milian (Yami)
Manager, Fellowship Programs
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
900 N.W. 17th Street
Miami, FL 33136
Phone: 305-326-6312
Fax: 305-326-6580
Email: yxs696@med.miami.edu