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Preparing for Eye Injections

Here is some information to review if you are receiving an intravitreal injection or intraocular injection in one or both eyes at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.

Most common eye diseases treated with intravitreal injections

  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Retinal vein occlusion
  • Eye inflammations (uveitis)
  • Eye infections (endophthalmitis, retinitis)
  • Radiation Retinopathy
  • Any other process your doctor has discussed with you
The purpose of this injection is to place medicine directly inside your eye to treat your eye disease. The process includes the patient reclining in the examination chair, the area around the eye will be cleaned, drops will be placed in the eye, and then the injection treatment will be performed. The medicine used in the injection depends on your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Preparing for the eye injection

  • Eat your usual meal before your appointment. Bring a snack.
  • Take all your regular medications.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for walking and to avoid the risk of falls.
  • Bring a sweater.
  • If possible, have a companion come with you to drive you home after your injection. You may want to discuss details with your treating physician.

What should I expect after an eye injection?

  • Our staff is available to walk you to the restroom, to the front desk and to your transportation.
  • It is common to notice spots or swirls that move around in your vision after an injection. Depending on the medication injected into your eye, these may clear up in a few hours or days. If steroids were injected, it may take weeks or months for these spots to disappear.
  • It is common to have minor discomfort like tearing, burning or scratchiness for about a day after the injection. You can use artificial tear eye drops for comfort. Purchase new lubricating drops over the counter at any pharmacy.
  • It is common to have a red spot on the white surface of your eye where the injection was given (subconjunctival hemorrhage). This red spot may change in color and usually disappears within 2 weeks. It does not affect your vision or need treatment.
  • You may temporarily experience reduced vision after an eye injection. This reduced vision improves over time in most patients.

Home care after an eye injection

  • We would like you to keep your eye(s) clean and dry. We recommend no swimming or hot tub for 24 hours after the injection. You can wash your face and take a shower as usual, just do not look directly into the shower stream the day of the injection.
  • Use your regular prescription eye drops. We recommend using new bottles.
  • Do not rub your eye(s).

What should I do if I am having a problem after an eye injection?

In the days after the injection, if you experience worsening of vision, floaters or pain, contact us:

  • During business hours you may contact the Rapid Virtual Eye Care (RVEC) service at 1-800-329-7000, option 2, 1 or schedule your appointment online at:
  • You can also visit the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Emergency Department which is open in Miami for all eye emergencies 24/7, 365 days a year.
  • If you have a question and it is not urgent, you can use the MyUHealthChart app or website ( to send a message to your doctor and expect a response within 48 hours.

Follow up appointments

You will be told of the schedule for follow up appointments. Make sure you confirm with your health care insurance that you have approval for injections before your next visit.