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1-844-324-HOPE (4673)
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Treatment is determined by the type and location of the mediastinal tumor:
This test examines your lungs and chest cavity for abnormalities. It’s frequently used as a screening test for any abnormality that needs to be further characterized.
CT scans of the chest provide details about a cancer’s location, characteristics of the tumor(s), and the status of lymph nodes within the chest. It helps your doctor detect any abnormal fluid accumulation within your chest cavity.
This scan is the standard diagnostic test for chest cancers to determine the extent of the cancer.
Getting a small sample of the tumor (biopsy) can be done with a needle or using a surgical core biopsy under image guidance. Our pathologists review the sample under advanced microscopes to determine the cellular characteristics. An intra-operative biopsy can also be performed during the chest cancer surgery to decrease the risk and inconvenience of a pre-operative biopsy using approaches such as thoracoscopy, thoracentesis, mediastinoscopy, and others.
This procedure is used for examining your chest cavity and taking samples of suspicious areas. Your doctor makes a small incision between two ribs and inserts a thin tube with a light (thoracoscope) to perform the procedure.
During a thoracentesis, your doctor uses a needle to gather fluid from the space between the lining of your chest and your lungs.
This procedure is used to view the lymph nodes below your neck and take samples. Your doctor makes a small incision at the top of your breastbone and inserts a thin, tube-like instrument to do the procedure.
This new technology allows the interventional pulmonologist to look for cancers farther out from the lung and biopsy nodules seen with a CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. It’s useful in visualizing central lymph nodes near the major airways.
Light microscopy is the use of a high-powered microscope to look at tissue samples for certain changes in cells, which can help diagnose cancer.
This test uses antibodies to look for certain antigens in a tissue sample to diagnose cancer. It can also help your doctor determine the type of cancer you have.
This test identifies genetic makeup of the tumor to help your doctor predict how your body will respond to treatment, such as targeted therapy medicines.
This type of lab evaluation uses a microscope to check cells for any abnormalities or signs of cancer.