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Ostomy Support Seminars

The University of Miami Ostomy Support Group is dedicated to bringing ostomates, their families, and friends together to help assist one another in the process of transition and adaptation to their life with an ostomy. We provide support, education, and information to those of all ages who have or will have an intestinal or urinary diversion.

Our chapter meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm via zoom. We welcome all patients with a new or an existing ostomy, their family, and friends to our monthly meetings hosted by our certified ostomy nurses.

Parastomal Hernias | Dr. Mario Muñoz

Date: 7/5/2022

Nutrición para pacientes Ostomizados | Jessica Moya

Date: 6/21/2022

Swimming and Activity with an Ostomy | Lee-Ann Watanabe

Date: 6/7/2022

Consejos para viajar con una ostomia | Maria-Jose Bouey

Date: 5/17/2022

Tips for Traveling With an Ostomy | Maria-Jose Bouey

Date: 5/3/2022

Hernias Paraestomales | Dr. Mario Muñoz

Date: 4/19/2022

Peristomal Skin Health | Dr. Jose Minguel Minguer

Date: 4/5/2022

Salud y Cuidados de la Piel Periostomal | Dr. Jose Miguel Minguer

Date: 3/15/2022

Sexual Health and Intimacy for Women with an Ostomy | Dr. Kristin Rojas

Date: 3/1/2022

Salud sexual e Intimidad para la mujer ostomizada | Dr. Kristin Rojas

Date: 2/15/2022

Sexual Health and Intimacy for Ostomates | Dr. Amy Crowley and Nicole Goldschmidt

Date: 2/1/2022

Emotional Impact | Dr. Maria Adelaida Rueda-Lara

Date: 1/18/2022

General Nutrition for Ostomy Patients | Eytan Ish Stern

Date: 1/4/2022

Vida Activa con Ostomia | Lauren Palmero y Elvis Manzanillo

Date: 12/21/2021

Holidays With An Ostomy | Molly Atwater

Date: 12/7/2021

Medicamentos y Ostomías | Yaiseli Figueredo

Date: 11/16/2021

Physical Activity and Exercise for Ostomy Patients | Collin Jarvis

Date: 11/2/21

Hidratación para Ostomizados | Jessica Moya

Date: 10/19/2021

Nutrition for Ostomy Patients | Dr. Michelle Pearlman

Date: 10/5/2021