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Fecal Incontinence


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Fecal or bowel incontinence is the impaired ability to control your body's gas or stool.
Causes may include:

  • Diminished muscle strength with age
  • Injury during childbirth
  • Trauma
  • Infections around the anal area

Depending on the severity of the problem, doctors may recommend simple dietary changes, the use of some constipating medications, and/or exercises to strengthen the anal muscles.

In more severe cases, they may use biofeedback to help your body sense when the stool is ready to be evacuated and to help strengthen the muscles. Injuries to the anal muscles may be repaired with surgery, such as sphincter repair or reconstruction. Implantation of an artificial device also may be effective.

Diseases such as colitis, which cause inflammation in the rectum, may contribute to anal control problems. Treating these diseases also may eliminate or improve incontinence. Additionally, a change in prescribed medications may help.

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Improving the future of surgical care. We participate in the latest research and clinical trials, which help determine which surgeries work best for which patients. This research improves patient safety and quality of care while shaping the future of surgical treatment. Our surgeons have helped develop new procedures to treat a wide range of conditions, helping patients experience faster recoveries and fewer surgical risks.

A comprehensive team of surgeons. We provide advanced surgical care for many health problems — from heart conditions to cancer. You’ll receive care from a surgeon who has specialized experience and expertise in your specific condition, ensuring you receive the right care for your needs.

Leaders in robotic surgery treatment. The University of Miami Health System is home to some of the world’s most experienced robotic surgeons. That’s why doctors from across the globe come to our facility to learn from our surgeons. We were the first academic medical center to use the da Vinci Xi robotic surgery system and complete more than 5,000 robotic surgeries — procedures that offer less pain and scarring and a faster recovery.

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