The privacy and confidentiality of your health information is secured by various state and federal laws, notably the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The University of Miami UHealth Privacy Office has the responsibility for assuring compliance with these laws and the associated regulations, for all health information maintained by the University’s hospitals and clinics.
In general, the HIPAA regulation and Florida medical privacy laws require that we preserve the privacy and confidentiality of your health information, and restrict uses and disclosures of your information to those serving legitimate health-related purposes. As patients, the laws also provide you with certain rights with respect to your health information.
Questions, Concerns, and Exercising your Privacy Rights
If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy or security of your health information, you may contact our office at 305-243-5000 or 866-366-HUSH (4874), or email
If you wish to file a complaint, please submit a Complaint Form via regular mail to:
University of Miami
UHealth Privacy Office
PO Box 019132 (M-879)
Miami, FL 33101
The completed form may also be faxed to 305-243-7487.
Do you have a confidential concern about ANY impropriety or irregularity at the University of Miami?
Visit University Hotline to report it.
Information Blocking FAQ
The ways in which we may use and disclose your health information are outlined in our Notice of Privacy Practices. This notice is available in English and Spanish.