As a patient in the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Program, you’ll receive support from a team of caring experts.
AYA Coordinator
A key member of your care team is your AYA Coordinator. The goal of the AYA Coordinator is help you navigate the cancer treatment process and find support.
Your coordinator will assist you with many different aspects of your care, including:
- Connecting you with emotional, financial, and wellness resources
- Empowering you to take an active role in your treatment and supporting you as you face challenges
- Encouraging effective communication with your clinical care team, family, friends, community, and others in your support network
- Identifying you and your family’s needs
- Teaching you and your family about your diagnosis and available treatment options, including the opportunity to participate in clinical trials
- Connecting you to various AYA specific programs to help you engage with other AYA patients.
For more information, please email us at
Contact Information
Adriana Alvarez
AYA Social Worker
Olivia Scott
AYA Coordinator
Your Care Team
Other members of your multidisciplinary care team will include:
- Acupuncturist
- Art, music, and yoga therapists
- Chaplain
- Child life specialists
- Exercise physiologists
- Fertility preservation counselors & providers
- Financial counselors
- Oncologists, advanced practice providers, and oncology nurses
- Providers with expertise in male and female fertility and sexual health issues
- Psychiatrists/psychologists
- Registered dietitians
- Social workers
- Members of the Survivorship Team