As part of our mission Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is committed to delivering quality patient care. The various awards, certifications, and accreditations we seek promote best practice, optimal clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction. Our Patient Safety Program promotes a culture of safety and aims on continuous enhancements to prevent and reduce risk, errors and harm. It encourages patients and families to speak up with any questions or concerns. The Awards & Recognitions section contains a list of achievements reflecting our commitment to quality and safety.
The federal government tracks and reports quality and safety measures for the 11 PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospitals which includes Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. To learn more about our publicly reported measures click on the Hospital Quality and Safety Measures section.
The five-year survival rate is an estimate of the proportion of patients expected to survive the effects of their cancer at least five years after their initial cancer diagnosis if the only possible cause of death was the cancer originally diagnosed. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program provides information on cancer statistics to reduce the cancer burden among the US population. The NCI Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) Surveillance Research Program (SRP) supports SEER. SCCC makes available outcomes data as compared to SEER by cancer type on the Patient Survival Outcomes section.