Complete our questionnaire to see if you meet the criteria for a colorectal cancer screening.
You appear to have symptoms that require follow up with a gastroenterologist.
Please contact the Digestive Health Scheduling Center at 305-243-8644 (option 2, option 1).
To schedule an appointment online, fill out an appointment request form and request to see a gastroenterologist.
Based on this information, you do not meet the needs for screening at this time.
Please address any concerns you may have with your primary care provider.
You may meet guidelines for screening.
We evaluated your personal and/or family history and risk factors and believe that you may be a candidate for screening. If you have a sibling, child or parent who has/had colorectal cancer, then start screening at age 40, or 10 years before the age that the youngest relative was diagnosed, whichever is earlier.