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Skin Cancer High Risk Screening

Skin Cancer High-Risk & Prevention Clinic

This assessment covers personal and family medical history, physical characteristics related to melanoma risk, and other relevant factors such as sun exposure and genetic predispositions.

1. Have you ever been diagnosed with melanoma, or do you have a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has been diagnosed with melanoma?

2. Do you have red hair or a fair complexion with blonde hair, freckles, or skin that burns easily (Fitzpatrick skin types I-III)?

3. Do you have more than 50 moles, or have you been diagnosed with atypical moles, dysplastic nevi, or a giant congenital nevus?

4. Have you ever experienced severe sunburn with blisters, frequent sunburns, or regularly used indoor tanning beds?

5. Are you currently on immunosuppressive medications, or have you tested positive for CDKN2A, BAP1 mutations, or have a family history of these conditions?

Based on this information, you do not meet the criteria for the Skin Cancer High-Risk & Prevention Clinic at this time.

Please address any concerns you may have with your primary care provider.

You appear to meet guidelines for the
Skin Cancer High-Risk & Prevention Clinic.

We evaluated your personal and/or family history and risk factors and believe that you may be a candidate for the Skin Cancer High-Risk & Prevention Clinic.

or call us at 305-689-RISK (7475)

NCI Designated