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Emotional and Mental Well-Being

Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care


To learn more or request an appointment, call 305-243-4129 or

Meet Your Team

Meet our multidisciplinary team of credentialed physicians and clinicians.

Finding out you have cancer and need treatment can be overwhelming. You may feel anxious, depressed, or uncertain about what to do next. We know this is a difficult time for you and your family. At Sylvester, we’re here to help.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to tell us. We can connect you with the support services you and your family need.

How We Can Help:

It’s normal to feel some emotional or mental changes when dealing with cancer. But with the proper support, you can feel better. Our psychiatry and psychology team has the expertise to help you and your family navigate your treatment and any challenges that come your way. We can help you feel more confident about your therapy and help you maintain a positive mental outlook. Whether through counseling, group support, spiritual care, or education, we partner with you to boost your mental well-being and quality of life. 

The challenges we can help you face may include:

  • Changes in how you feel about your body
  • Concerns about how treatment will impact your intimate relationships
  • Difficulty accepting your diagnosis
  • Fear of death and dying
  • Feeling isolated from your family and friends
  • Feelings of grief
  • Inability to work
  • Money worries
  • Reluctance to discuss your feelings
  • Sadness about not enjoying your favorite activities
  • Stress on your family caused by your diagnosis
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Worries about your cancer returning someday

Whatever your concern, let us know how you’re feeling. We’re ready to work with you so you can get back to feeling like yourself.

How Does Mental Health Support Work?

Accessing our support services is simple. Your first step is meeting with one of our mental health experts, specially trained to help people going through cancer treatment like you and your family.

During this first meeting, our expert will ask questions about your diagnosis and treatment and discuss your current state of mind, feelings, and any concerns. Based on this conversation, your psychiatrist or psychologist will create an individualized plan to meet your specific needs and goals.

If you have any questions or need to make an appointment, please call 305-243-4129.

Cancer Support Services

Contact us today to learn more or request an appointment.