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Wang Z. Lab

3D/4D genome structure analysis, DNA methylation prediction, protein function prediction, and protein structure prediction

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Investigator / Contact Person Zheng-Yu Wang, M.D., Ph.D.


My research expertise is in 3D genome structure reconstruction and analysis (since 2010), protein structure prediction (since 2006), protein function prediction (since 2010), and complex biological network analysis (since 2010). My lab has experience in analyzing various biological and next-generation sequencing data and applying machine learning algorithms and other algorithms or software to biomedical data. For example, we developed deep learning algorithms to forecast the Hi-C profiles at future time points based on the past and current Hi-C profiles, predict bp-specific single-cell DNA methylation status based on single-cell Hi-C data, predict ChIA-PET contacts from Hi-C data, predict protein functions in terms of GO terms solely based on amino acid sequence, reconstruct the whole-genome 3D structures of single-cells, and predict the qualities of predicted protein structures. Moreover, My lab has collaborated with neuroscientists, cancer biologists, and other bioinformatics scientists on high-impact research.