Prostate Cancer Screening
Learn more about prostate cancer screening and your risk.
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305-689-DOCS (3627)
Men should have a conversation with their primary care provider about the potential benefits and risks of getting screened for prostate cancer.
Take our assessment to see if you meet the criteria for prostate cancer screening.* Then, consult your doctor about next steps.
Your team at Sylvester will develop a personalized screening plan based on your age, personal and family health history, lifestyle, and risk factors.
How is prostate cancer screening performed?
Screening is a process used to look for cancer in people who have no symptoms. The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is a blood useful for detecting prostate cancer. Your primary care provider can order this blood test. The Sylvester Game Changer vehicles also provide screening in the community. Find a PSA screening event located near you.
*Always check with your insurance provider before any screening or test to determine coverage.