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COVID-19 Vaccine Facts

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Because our top priority is the health and safety of our patients, we are committed to providing the most updated information about COVID-19 and how we can combat it effectively.

Since early 2020, coronavirus has taken the lives of millions and changed daily life for most everyone else. However, thanks to scientific research, and an abundance of collaboration and planning across a variety of sectors, we now have safe and effective vaccines.

But, a vaccine only works if you get one.

Don’t let misinformation keep you or your loved ones from becoming vaccinated. Get your facts from credible sources. Start here and share this information with your friends and family.

Get the facts. Get the vax.

Fiction: The COVID-19 vaccines were developed so quickly, they must have cut corners.
Fact: While it is true that the COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time, the actual technology behind the way the vaccines work has been around for more than a decade. The urgency of the pandemic provided the impetus to increase funding and cooperation across sectors. Often, vaccine production does not happen until much later in the development process because of a company's financial risk. With the COVID-19 vaccine, manufacturers and the U.S. government invested money to scale up production quickly.

Also, researchers were able to use existing vaccine and treatment clinical trial networks to begin conducting vaccine trials quickly. However, the vaccines had to undergo the same rigorous evaluation process like any other new vaccine or medication.

Absolutely no corners were cut, and the vaccines are safe and effective.

Fiction: You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
Fact: No. It is not possible to contract COVID-19 from any of the vaccines because they do not contain the virus. All three vaccines approved for use in the US deliver "instructions" for your body to create cells with the COVID-19 spike protein that trick the immune system into making antibodies for the virus. That way, if you are exposed to COVID-19, your body already has the tools it needs to fight it.

Fiction: The vaccine causes serious and dangerous side effects.
Fact: The COVID-19 vaccines have been and are undergoing the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. More than 50% of adults in the United States received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, with most reporting common minor side effects if any.

Serious side effects following COVID-19 vaccinations are extremely rare. For example, anaphylaxis, an extreme allergic reaction that is very dangerous, has only occurred in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States, according to the CDC. This type of allergic reaction generally happens within 30 minutes of vaccination and can be quickly treated.

Particularly after the 2nd dose (of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine), you may feel some side effects. The most common symptoms are similar to any vaccination, including pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, fever, and muscle aches. These side effects tell you that the vaccine is doing what it is supposed to do, and should subside after a day or two. If they do not subside after two days, contact your doctor.

Fiction: I have already had COVID-19, so I do not need to get vaccinated.
Fact: You should still get vaccinated, even if you have had COVID-19. Experts do not know how long you are immune from the virus or variants after you have had COVID-19. So, the vaccine may be able to provide more protection.

Fiction: It’s not worth risking long-term side effects that we don’t know about yet.
Fact: Historically, long-term side effects from any vaccines have been rare, and most adverse events with other vaccines occurred within eight weeks of receipt of the vaccine. The CDC is tracking all side effects through V-safe, an online tool that will check in periodically with surveys on how you are feeling.

Add to that, a growing number of studies show that many people who have contracted a mild case of COVID-19 still report having symptoms six months later.

Fiction: The COVID-19 vaccine will alter my DNA.
Fact: The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines transfer mRNA material encased in “fat bubbles” to your cells. However, mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cells and will not alter or interact with your body’s DNA.

Fiction: The scientists used fetal tissue in the COVID-19 vaccines.
Fact: There are no vaccines developed with fetal tissue from abortions, including the COVID-19 vaccines.

Fiction: The government is using this to implant microchips that track people.
Fact: No, that is not true. The vaccines do not contain microchips, and they cannot be used to track you, gather personal information, or control you.

Fiction: The COVID-19 vaccine can hurt my ability to get pregnant.
Fact: There is no evidence that the vaccine causes any issues with fertility or fetal development.

Fiction: I am young, so I am not at risk of getting ill with COVID-19.
Fact: Many young people get seriously ill with the virus and even die. However, getting vaccinated isn’t just to keep you safe; it's also to protect others who may be more at risk. Getting everyone vaccinated and keeping the virus from spreading will also help to keep it from mutating into a variant that is potentially more dangerous.

Fiction: I don’t have insurance. It will be expensive.
Fact: The COVID-19 vaccine is free to everyone, including those without insurance. If you do have insurance, it is covered by both private and public insurance (Medicare and Medicaid). When you go to your vaccine appointment, they may ask you if you have insurance but it doesn’t matter. Vaccine providers cannot charge you for the vaccine or any copays, coinsurance, or administration fees. They also cannot deny you a vaccine or charge for an office visit.

Fiction: It is impossible to find places that have the vaccine.
Fact: Thanks to partnerships with pharmacies, medical centers, and health departments, most people should be within 5 miles of a COVID-19 vaccine provider.

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