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We Care

Our Patients. The reason for our pursuit.

Hundreds of patients came through our doors in 2023. Many left forever changed and healthy with a new lease on life. At the core of our National Cancer Institute facility is access to clinical trials. But that is just one part of our story. We also address unmet needs and the emotional toll of cancer—from the very young to the elderly.

We Care Graphic

The Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) Care Program acknowledges that just feeling natural in social situations can be a struggle, so the program provided events to help, such as a workshop on normalizing non-alcoholic drink options and fostering a caring environment.

Empathy, however, is universal for all patients. Jessica Nurquez said Sylvester is “family” as she emphasized the help her family received when her husband, Eddie, a two-time cancer survivor, came back for a clinical trial. The clinical trial put Eddie’s cancer in remission so he could have a bone marrow transplant to save his life.

Maria Corral’s story is similar. When she had a recurrence, she too enrolled in a clinical trial. After undergoing innovative CAR T-cell therapy, Corral achieved immediate remission. She expressed her gratitude, with her family surrounding her, for our personalized care.

We underscore that patients are not alone. Juan Davila knows this firsthand as a survivor of lymphoma. He discussed the hidden emotional toll of his illness. Despite maintaining a positive outward appearance, he struggled. Cancer Survivorship Service’s My Wellness Check, an innovative assessment tool, helped identify and address Davila’s emotional needs in real-time to get the care he needed from Cancer Support Services.

To help even more patients like Davila, our Cancer Support Services department continues to expand its offerings with integrative oncology services and therapies to help patients and caregivers comprehensively.

It’s this eye for detail that offers us unique distinction; for example, we have the only Comprehensive Lymphatic Center of Excellence in South Florida, and The Fields Galley Cancer Survivorship Emotional Wellness Clinic launched Sept. 2023 will help address the profound psychological challenges faced by cancer survivors and their families.

Defined by the sum of all our parts, we provide unwavering compassion at every step—physical, emotional and spiritual. Because cancer does not discriminate, this steadfast empathy serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating paths of kindness for all who cross this journey with us.